smiling man behind a laptop

How I Can Help You

“You have special talents and great ideas that can help you make your life better. I bring my qualifications, exercises, and great listening skills. Together, we will discover your full potential, explore new opportunities, and figure out how you can be the best version of yourself. Sometimes it might be challenging, but with determination, forgiveness, and grit, we can grow. I will always be here to support and listen to you. Let’s begin our journey and achieve your dreams together.”

If you're feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or need to make a life-changing decision, hiring a coach may be one of the best decisions you can make.

Through a series of one-on-one coaching sessions, you will develop insights, skills, and tools that will help you reach not only your goals but also increase your resourcefulness, insight, and level of functioning long after we end our sessions.   You have access to a range of tools and strategies, such as mindfulness practices, goal-setting techniques, and a value’s workbook to help you overcome any obstacles or challenges that may be holding you back. 

One-On-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching is a personalized approach to which focuses on the unique needs and goals of the individual.

The coach works closely with the client to understand their current challenges, identify areas for improvement, and develop a customized action plan to achieve their desired results. This type of coaching is typically conducted through a series of 45 minute or one-hour sessions, either in person or via video conferencing. 

ADHD Coaching

Red and white badge, showing recognition as a professional ADHD coach

ADHD coaching is perfect for individuals with symptoms of ADHD or for those with a diagnosis.

Living with ADHD can be stressful, overwhelming, and frustrating.

As a trained ADHD coach, I help you use your strengths, resourcefulness, and self-knowledge to reach your goals.

You gain confidence, resilience, and tools as we go.

One-on-one sessions and body doubles are available.

Curious? Consider booking a 30-minute complimentary discovery call to learn more.

My promise: just an open conversation with a real person and no pressure to buy anything. 

Group Coaching

A collaborative approach to ADHD coaching that focuses on the development and growth of a group of individuals. 

Group coaching helps individuals to gain a fresh perspective, develop new skills and strategies, and achieve success in their professional and personal lives. With the guidance and support of an experienced coach, clients can overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential. 

Planned for 2024, 


Kind Words of Praise

Curious about what it would be like working with me? Check out these reviews from clients who have worked with me in the past.