Hi, I'm Margreet Adriani,
I am thrilled to have you here. Below, you will find information on how I got here and my background. However, I welcome you to schedule a virtual discovery call. During discovery calls, I meet incredible people and enjoy hearing your story or answering coaching questions. My clients are high-achieving individuals, heroes in their profession, and at home. They take pride in accomplishing everything, but also experience stress and weariness. Usually when we start seeing each other, they wonder what needs to change to start feeling again.
I help them pause and reflect on what is most important. Some may be considering a career change, while others are making changes within their current environment. I assist them in reprioritizing and lightening their load. They experience increased well being, feel empowered, and have the resources and knowledge to move forward.
My Success Story
You could call me a dreamer, a late bloomer, a people pleaser, and determined to make a difference. Any of the labels have brought me to where I am today. The dreamer didn’t let anybody stop her, the late bloomer received her bachelor’s degree in her forties, and the people pleaser said “yes” to many things, and also learned to say “no” more often.
After moving to the US, I earned my degree while raising a family. For almost a decade I coached individuals on a healthy lifestyle and facilitated group sessions at an American Indian Health Clinic. While my background in nutrition helped me to secure this job, it was ultimately the relationships I built with the amazing people I got to work with, who inspired me every day.
A week in San Francisco in 2019 helped me understand where I was holding myself back and which strengths help me excel. During that week we trained our bodies to swim in the cold ocean, while our minds were nurtured by First Nation traditions and coached by dedicated professionals. Authenticity grew, values rearranged itself and well-being increased.
Since 2020, I have been working as a life and career coach, making a shift from discussing physical wellbeing towards a focus on mental wellbeing. My clients are diverse. They are entrepreneurs, leaders, students, parents, some ready to find a (new) career, others start a business, or are ready to retire. Leaning on my training as a coach, I help them to get unstuck and live with zest and confidence.

How I Work
My Coaching Process
01. We Work Together
As a client and coach we work closely together on your goals. I help you set the agenda for each session and together we work towards an outcome that helps you solve what is going on. You may come up with some self-directed homework or practice, or I may follow up with tools or an article. Our relationship is well balanced, you feel safe and cared for. You may be challenged to create new insights and develop new ways of interacting with yourself or others.
01. From The Beginning
Through weekly or biweekly sessions, you feel supported while increasing your understanding what needs to change. Rely on your strengths and talents to create the life that excites you most. We measure progress through goalsetting and regular check-ins.
03. Life, Career and ADHD
As a certified Values Coach and a trained ADHD coach, I can help you navigate any excutive functioning challenges, whether they show up at home or at work. Use your strengths to get things done without burning out. Discuss current systems you rely on and try out new tools. My training helps to see what is happening through an ADHD-lens. Feel supported, not shamed, while increasing your awareness and tools.
“Going through life asks us to adapt and grow, time and time again. In the midst of it, it might feel like we never master the game, but when we look back it all makes sense.”
Fun Facts About Me
Curious about what it would be like working with me? Check out these reviews from clients who have worked with me in the past.
- Professional Certified Coach (certified by International Coaching Federation), with 4 years of professional coaching experience,
- ICF-certified Values Coach (coaching individuals to recognize their true values and coach them towards closer alignment to increase wellbeing.
- ICF Trained ADHD coach, coaching clients with ADHD towards a life filled with intention, drive and fulfillment. Less shame, greater awareness of strengths and more confidence.
- Certified Personal Trainer
- Certified Health Coach
- Nutrition and Dietetic Technician Registered (License)
- UC Davis Continued Education, Coaching for Life and Work,
- B.S. Nutrition and Dietetics, Sacramento State University, Sacramento California
- LinkedIn Profile
Take the first step towards achieving your life and career goals differently,
How is working with a coach different from working on your goals by yourself? Gain traction, pick up speed, increase your self-knowledge and confidence, add tools and feel the difference long after you have stopped working with your coach.
How I Can Help You
My areas of expertise include values coaching, ADHD coaching, increased wellbeing coaching and nutrition coaching